Portrait of Tony Oursler

Spectral Power

Spectral Power

– I always say you have to look for things in places that you wouldn't expect to find them.

American installation artist Tony Oursler (born 1957) has created three location-specific works for the Ekeberg Park. He is primarily known for his installations, video works and performances. He likes to combine light, sound and sculpture in his striking works.

During the 1990's, Oursler became known for his Talking Lights.

The talking light in Ekeberg Park is named Φeλ. The title contains an old rune that represents the sun and a new symbol of spectral power. The blinking light undulates in rhythm with sound and text. The effect may allude both to morse signals and binary code. Φeλ helps us consider how to interpret the past ans what is being lost as we try to decrypt the information.

While Oursler's three installations each can stand on their own and speak for themselves, they are part of a unity concerned with communication throughout the ages.

Spectral Power. Φeλ (Talking lamppost), 2013.

Location-specific work

© Tony Oursler / BONO 2018