Sculpture Point: Ekebergparken
SculpturePoint: Ekebergparken
Ekebergparken C. Ludens Ringnes Foundation is proud to present our Art Competition for young norwegian-based sculpturs!
The first winners for the years 2024 and 2025 are Johanne Hestvold and Tiril Hasselknippe!
The very first artwork will be by Johanne Hestvold.
We will post the date and programe when ready in our Event Calendar. See here!
About the competition:
Sculpture Point Ekebergparken is a sculpture competition for new artist who work with three-dimensional art.
The competition is developed by Ekebergparken, C. Ludens Ringnes Foundation, Talent Norge, Sparebankstiftelsen DNB and Norsk Billedhuggerforening.
Over the course of four years four different artist will be chosen to produce and display their own three-dimensional work in the park's Villa Garden.
The nominations of the artists is done by Ekebergparkens Art Council in collaboration with art representatives from the leading Norwegian art institutions.
For each art work the park will develop and hold specialized mediational programs, seminars and workshops.
The competition is developed with the aim to strengthen and lift the public conversation surrounding three-dimensional art.
We hope that each individual artwork will in a positive way challenge our perception of what three dimensional art can be.
Ramona Salo & Katarina Skår Lisa
Nominations from:
Line Daatland, KODE Bergen
Hanne Mugaas, Stavanger Kunsthall
Trude Gomnæs Uglestad, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum
Katya Garcia-Anton, Nord-Norsk Kunstmuseum
Marianne Zamecznik, Trondheim Kunstmuseum
Christian Ringnes, C. Ludens Ringnes stiftelse
Erik Steen, Norsk Billedhoggerforening
Christian Bjelland, Ekebergparkens kunstfaglige utvalg
Viel Bjerkeset Andersen, Kunstner & Ekebergparkens kunstfaglige utvalg
Ina Johannesen Dibley, Kunstfaglig ansvarlig i Ekebergparken
Jarle Strømodden, Museumsleder, Vigelandsmuseet
Daniella Laurette van Dijk-Wennberg, Kulturetaten, Oslo Kommune
Åsmund Thorkildsen, Drammens Museum
Our partners: