Portrett Dyre Vaa


–You do not become an artist. You either are one, or you're not.

Dyre Vaa (1903–1980) had made up his mind to become a sculptor at the age of twenty. He was also a painter, draughtsman and writer. He was educated at Statens håndverks- og kunstindustriskole (The National Academy of Craft and Art Industry) and Statens Kunstakademi (The Academy of Fine Art), both in Oslo. His teachers adhered to figurative traditions. Vaa remained faithful to this school of thought for the rest of his life and took part in the public argument on the traditionalist side. He received a number of awards, and was made a Knight of the Order of St. Olav in 1969.

Dyre Vaa counted Norwegian literature and folklore among his inspirations. The Hulder, a form of bewitching female forest spirit, is a character known from the Asbjørnsen and Moe fairytales. In the Ekeberg Park this sculpture is placed by Kjærlighetsstien, “Lover's path”. Feet firmly planted on the ground, the self-confident hulder struts audaciously. Her dress fits snugly and hints at her robust, yet feminine features. It's only when her tail comes into sight that her real nature is revealed.

Huldra, ca. 1938.

Bronze, 220 cm.

© Dyre Vaa / BONO