Portrait of Lynn Chadwick

Ace of Diamonds

Ace of Diamonds

– It seems to me that art must be the manifestation of some vital force from the dark, caught by the imagination and translated by the artist's ability and skill.


The British sculptor Lynn Chadwick (1914–2003) emerged into the international spotlight at the Venice Biennale in the 1950's. He has a background as an architect and his metal works combine dramatic shapes with a sophisticated understanding of design.

He began working with stainless steel in 1988, and this new material led Chadwick on a new path in his artistic pursuit.

Ace of Diamonds is a large format installation with a sharply defined silhouette characteristic of his most well-known works. It is mobile, and moves gracefully despite its size. The construction itself is split in two halves that seem so conjure up endless combinations of geometric effects. Such geometry forms have been one of Chadwick's predilections since the 1970's. He was apt to refer to the pyramid or diamond shape as the feminine aspect, while masculinity was represented by the rectangular form.

© Lynn Chadwick/BONO

Ace of Diamonds, 2004.

Stainless steel, 700 × 250 cm.